Web Project

After years of working on very backend components (O/R mapper, clustering framework), I recently started a web project of my own.

Of course, I picked the Java camp. JSP Servlet, Tomcat, Eclipse WTP is my technologies, container, and developer tool. I expect to incorporate other J2EE technologies later. But, it is always good to start simple and only with what you need.

I first coded up some login logic. For my application, it is important to roll my own. I am going to reuse authentication done by other, such as Microsoft Passport, AOL Screen name, or Yahoo when it is available.

The main verdict with login logic is that I need redirection a lot. Learned the different between a few HTTP response 30x. I hit a bug in IE that if it is redirected by HTTP 302 (moved temporarily), and then is redirected back (with user input) by HTTP 301 (moved permanently), the URL in the “Address” is not updated correctly and is still pointing to the temporary address.

Yahoo’s own login doesn’t seem to suffer the problem. I need to learn its workaround. :-)
